2 hanged for murder

Chittagong Bureau :
Two convicts were executed on Tuesday midnight at Chittagong central jail for killing an auto rickshaw driver before snatching his vehicle around 12 years back The executed convicts are- Saiful and Shahidullah. Five executioners(jallads) carried out the hanging process.
The hanging was executed at 12.01 am on Tuesday night at chittagong central jail and their bodies handed over to their family members and sent to native village Mirasarai in Chittagong in two separate ambulances at about 1.50 am. The family members at the jail gate told the mediamen that the convicts will be buried at their native family grave yard in Mirsarai on Wednesda .
Deputy Jailer Monirul Islam confirmed the matter to media yesterday..Jail sources said, three miscreants snatched a CNG-run auto rickshaw killing its driver in Fatikchhari on 19 May, 2004. A case was filed against them.
Later, on November 29 in 2005, district court sentenced the trio to death. Later upon appeal, High Court commuted death toll of a convict to life imprisonment.