2 BD nationals killed in mortar attacks in KSA


UNB, Dhaka: Two Bangladesh nationals were killed in mortar attacks from Yemen around Samtah General Hospital in Jizan Region of Saudi Arabia early Friday. State Minister for Foreign Affairs M Shahriar Alam confirmed the death of the two Bangladesh nationals in the attacks. Tow Bangladesh nationals – hospital cleaning staff Nuru from Tangail and Baten from B’Baria died on the spot, he posted on his official Facebook page. He also said few others were injured in the attacks and were admitted to hospital. International media reported that the Yemeni army, backed by popular committees, have entered Saudi military bases in the Kingdom’s southwestern region of Asir. The video footage released by Yemen’s al-Masirah television network on Friday showed Yemeni forces advancing into Saudi military bases in the region, destroying the vehicles and equipment of the Saudi army. The attack was part of Yemen’s retaliatory measures against Saudi Arabia over Riyadh’s unabated military campaign in the impoverished Arab country.
