2 bank officials get 10- yr jail

Chittgong Bureau :
A court in Chittagong convicted four persons including two Bank officials of Bangladesh Krishi Bank with 10 years rigorous imprisonment each for misappropriation of exported able shrimp consignment worth about Tk. 2.50 crores that mortgaged to Bank.
In the same verdict, court also fined them with Tk.60 lakh each in default to suffer more one year, court sources said.
 Divisional Special Judge Mir Ruhul Amin announced this verdict on Sunday on this case after end of two decades.
The convicted are- former Manager of Krishi Bank, Tea Board Branch Shahed Hasan, former second officer of KB Mir Kashem and Godown Keeper of M/s. Fish Home Ltd Saidul Hoque & Accountant of Fish Home Ltd Dipak Chowdhury . The convicted accused now absconding . The court also directed the district collector to seize their properties and to deposit in govt exchequer. Public Prosecutor of Anti corruption Commission, Chittagong Adv. Mesbahuddin Chowdhury told that court announced this verdict against them duly the allegations undoubtedly proved under section 409 of BPC.