1st Science Olympiad held

Science and Technology Minister Architect Yeafes Osman addressing the inauguration ceremony of the 38th National Science and Technology Week 2017 at NMST Complex on Thursday.
Science and Technology Minister Architect Yeafes Osman addressing the inauguration ceremony of the 38th National Science and Technology Week 2017 at NMST Complex on Thursday.
Campus Report :
The 1st Science Olympiad was held on Friday at National Science and Technology Museum (NMST) at Agargaon, Sherebangla Nagar in the capital as part of national science week program. Almost 150 participants took part in the competition in two sessions.
The 38th National Science and Technology Week 2017 and 3 day Science fair started at NMST complex earlier on Thursday. Science and Technology Minister Architect Yeafes Osman inaugurated the program as chief guest. Md. Anwar Hossain, Secretary of the same Ministry graced the occasion as special guest. Swapan Kumar Roy, Director general of the museum presided over the function. Badiar Rahman, Senior Curator delivered welcome speech.
The theme of the fair is `Science and Technology for Developed Future.’ The first place holders of Junior, Senior and Special Groups in 64 districts along with guides, juveniles and non-professional scientists are participating in the annual fair. The fair will remain open to all since 10 am to 4 pm every day.
The Chief guest Science and Technology Minister said in his speech, practice of science to be raised day by day, unless we will be getting lost forever. Science can resolve many problems in our life facing challenges of the twenty first century. We cannot imagine even a single moment without science. Science should be utilized for welfare to mankind, not to destroy civilization.
Director General of the Museum said, our science-minded Prime Minister Shiekh Hasina has given directives to build a `Science Building’ at the cost of Taka 230 crore for promoting science practice all over the country. .
Special guest Science and Technology Secretary stressed that Science education should be imparted to children since childhood.
The closing ceremony will be held at 2 pm on today (Saturday). Science and Technology Minister Architect Yeafes Osman will distribute prizes among winners as chief guest.
Some projects: Young scientists are displaying projects in the pavilion. There are projects like Electrical and electrical load controller by android system, Powerful complete solar panel, Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguisher, Electricity less cold storage, Purification and recycling of factory waste, Wind energy green village, Solar power explorer robotic system etc.
India Tour: Five winners of the last quiz competition are being sent to 5 day India tour on 19th June. They will visit science museums in Kolkata and Delhi during the tour. The winners are Asif Mostafa (Jessore Shikkha Board Model School and College), Zareen Mousrat Lam (Bindubashini Govt. Girls’ High School, Tangail), Prodip Kumar Biswas (Char Moheshpur Secondary School, Magura), Abdullah Mohammad Amimul Ehsan (Chittagong Collegiate School) and Md. Awsaf Arshad (Comilla Zilla School).