199 women subjected to violence last month: Mahila Parishad


Staff Reporter :
Some 199 women and 153 girls were subjected to different forms of violence in March this year in the country, says a report of Bangladesh Mahila Parishad.
A total of 109 females were raped last month. Of them, 70 were children, says the report prepared based on news published in 13 national dailies.
The parishad sent the monthly report to the media on Saturday.
According to the report, last month 62 girls were raped, five gang-raped, one killed after being raped, and two died by suicide after being raped.
Besides, seven women and 10 girls were subjected to rape attempt, it reads.
The report says, two women and two girls were subjected to sexual assault while three women and seven girl children faced sexual harassment.
Also, acid attacks were carried out on two women, four women succumbed to burn injuries and another two received such injuries.
Three women were harassed while 16 females, including 10 children, were abducted.
Some 49 females including 12 girls were murdered due to various reasons while another 11 females were subjected to murder attempts.
Besides, 20 women were tortured over dowry and nine of them were killed.
Thirty-three females including seven children were subjected to physical torture while 15 females including eight girls died by suicide due to torture. The report also said 43 females including 12 girls died “mysteriously”.
There were five incidents of child marriages in the country last month while seven females including four girls were victims of cybercrime.
