180 female police peacekeepers leave for Congo UN Mission


A 180-member strong contingent of female police of Bangladesh Police left Dhaka for joining the UN Peacekeeping Mission in DR Congo by a chartered aircraft of the United Nations (UN) in the early hours of Tuesday.
Apart from the stipulated forces working with different peacekeeping missions under the United Nations (UN), Police Super Salma Syed Poly is leading the Bangladesh Formed Police Unit-1 (BANFPU-1, Rotation-13) team, as commander to establish peace in volatile MONUSCO DR Congo, said a press release here.
High ranking police officers to the Police Headquarters were present at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport to see off the peacekeeping team, the release added.
Earlier, female police joined the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti in 2010 and provided human assistance to the Haiti people after earthquake.
