18 more die, 1,018 test positive for Covid-19 afresh in Rajshahi division


BSS, Rajshahi :

A total of 1,018 more people have tested positive for Covid-19 in all eight districts of the division on Wednesday, jumping the number of infections to 50,684.
With 18 more fatalities from the disease reported afresh on the day, the death toll reached 786, including 363 in Bogura and 136 in Rajshahi with 78 in its city, said Dr Habibul Ahsan Talukder, divisional director of Health.
The new daily infection figure shows a significant triggering trend compared to the previous day’s figure of 847, said the health department sources.
Among the infected people, 36,678 have, so far, been cured from the lethal virus with 588 new recoveries found on Wednesday.
A total of 5,128 infected patients are now undergoing treatment at different designated hospitals here.
Besides, all the positive cases for Covid-19 have, so far, been brought under necessary treatment while 11,184 were kept in isolation units of different hospitals for institutional supervision.
Of them, 8,210 have by now been released. On the other hand, 732 more people have been sent to home and institutional quarantine afresh while 281 others were released from isolation during the last 24 hours till 8 am today.
Of the total new positive cases, the highest 314 were detected in Rajshahi, including 252 in its city, followed by 221 in Naogaon, 98 in Bogura and Pabna each, 94 in Natore, 75 in Joypurhat, 69 in Chapainawabganj and 49 in Sirajganj districts.
With the new detected patients, the district-wise break-up of the total cases now stands at 15,532 in Rajshahi, including 12,602 in its city, 3,837 in Chapainawabganj, 3,991 in Naogaon, 3,093 in Natore, 3,054 in Joypurhat, 13,152 in Bogura, 4,139 in Sirajganj and 3,886 in Pabna.
A total of 81,256 people have, so far, been kept under quarantine since March 10 last year to prevent the community transmission of the deadly coronavirus (COVID-19).
Of them, 74,364 have, by now, been released as they were given clearance certificates after completing their respective 14-day quarantine period.
Meanwhile, the surge of Covid-19 cases has been spiking continuously in all eight districts of the division since the very beginning of the second wave making the division a hotspot of the deadly virus.
