17,000 pry teachers` to be recruited this month

M M Jasim :
The government is going to appoint more than 17,000 pool and panel listed primary school teachers across the country this month after a long wait.
The Primary and Mass Education Ministry has taken the decision recently.
The Ministry has already sent letters to the Upazila Education Officers in this regard and asked them to complete all the preparations by March 31.
The letters said a total of 7,218 panel listed assistant teachers will be appointed in Registered Primary Schools and pool listed 10,255 teachers in Government Primary Schools.  
Additional Secretary of Primary and Mass Education Ministry Nazrul Islam Khan said, the ministry has taken the decision to appoint the teachers following the judgment of the court. “We asked the authorities concern to take measurers by this month,” he said.
The Primary and Mass Education Ministry issued circulation to appoint teachers for Registered Primary Schools on April 21 in 2010. The ministry selected 42,611 teachers and published the results in 2012.
In the meantime, the government appointed all the selected teachers except 7,218.
On the other hand, the government selected 27,720 assistant teachers after taking written examination in August of 2011. The Ministry delayed to appoint them, but the teachers lodged several cases against the ministry in the court. The court asked the ministry to appoint them.
Director General of Directorate of Primary Education Dr Abu Hena Mostafa Kamal said, there are many vacancies in the primary schools. He also hoped that after appointing the new teachers no sit would remain vacant.
Meanwhile, the panel and pool listed teachers expressed their satisfaction over the decision of the Ministry. They urged the ministry to take steps in this regard soon.
President of Pool Teachers’ Association Shah Alam said, “I am very happy now. I struggled for the appointment and I lodged the case in the court at first.”
He also demanded the Ministry to complete all the process of the appointment as early as possible.
President of Panel Teachers’ Association Saidul Islam Litu congratulated the government for fulfilling their demands and said it would be good to appoint the teachers soon.
“We cannot express how much we are happy. We see smiles on the faces of hundreds of family members. They waited for long time to get the positive news. Now they are pleased,” Litu said.