16 lower court judges get promotion


Sixteen judges of subordinate courts have been given promotion. These judges working under the Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission have been promoted to District and Sessions Judges from Additional District and Sessions Judges.
It was informed through a circular issued by the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliament Affairs at the directive of the President on April 13 last.
Though the circular was issued on Wednesday (April 13), the issuance of it was learnt on Saturday (April 16). Signed by Sheikh Golam Mahbub, deputy secretary of the ministry concerned, the circular stated that in consultation with the Supreme Court, these officials working at the Judicial Service Commission have been promoted to District and Sessions Judges from Additional District and Sessions Judges under Grade I Taka 70,925-76,350 of the Pay Scale of the Bangladesh Judiucial Service (Salary-Allowance) Order, 2016.
