BB heist fund: $15m to come in a day or two

Staff Reporter :
Finance Minister AMA Muhith has said Bangladesh will receive from the Philippines central bank the $15.25 million recovered portion of the $81 million stolen from the Bangladesh Bank’s Reserve Account in a day or two.

“The fund will be deposited in the Bangladesh Bank’s Reserve Account in a day or two. Rest of the stolen fund will also be returned to Bangladesh trough legal procedure,” Muhith disclosed it to the reporters after a meeting with Public Works and Housing Minister Mosharraf Hossain at the Finance Ministry on Tuesday afternoon.

The Minister said it a day after a Philippine regional trial court ordered the country’s central bank to return to the Bangladesh Bank (BB) the recovered portion of the fund stolen from the BB Reserve Account.

He also said, the probe report on Bangladesh Bank heist will be made public on Thursday.


 “The report will be accessible on the websites of Bangladesh Bank and the Financial Institutions Division the same day,” he said.

Unidentified hackers tried to steal nearly one billion from the Bangladesh central bank’s account maintained with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in early February, and succeeded in transferring $81 million to four accounts with the Rizal Commercial Banking Corp in Manila.

During a Philippine Senate hearing into the heist which ended in May, a casino junket operator Kim Wong claimed to have received $35 million of the stolen funds, but returned $15.25 million only.
