1,50,000 tonnes of summer vegetables produced in Narsingdi


BSS, Narsingdi :
About 1, 50,000 tonnes of summer vegetables produced in the district during the current summer season due to good climate condition.
Deputy Director of Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) Lotafat Hossain said if the favorable climate condition is prevailed in the couple of weeks the above mentioned production would be increased which is expected to break all of its previous record.
Some 8,650 hectares of land have been brought under summer vegetables cultivation in six upazilas of the district in the current summer season while 7880 hectares was in the previous year.
The Deputy Director said DAE officials encouraged the farmers to cultivate orgnic vegetables and imparted knowledge on the bad effects of using pesticides and chemical fertilizers on vegetables fields and also gave them training on pest management.
DAE has set a target to cultivate poison free vegetables on 1,200 hectares of land in the district. The farmers are now producing poison free vegetables using organic fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizers and poisonous pesticides, he added.
Various kinds of summer vegetables like lady’s finger, teasle gourd (kakrol), korala, koida, cucumber, pumpkin, string bean (borboti), brinjal, potal, puishak, datashak, arum etc grow aplenty in Sadar, Shibpur, Raipura and Belabo upazilas of the district Narsingdi district is a vegetables surplus area usually supplies 30 to 40 percent of its production to the capital and other districts after meeting the local demand.
A number of poor farmers in different upazilas of the district achieved economic self-reliance through vegetables farming during the last couple of the years.
