150 illegal structures demolished in Rupatali Bus Stand area

Barisal Correspondent :
Over 150 illegal structures evicted from Rupatali Bus Stand area by a team of Barisal City Corporation (BCC) in a drive on Sunday.
The eviction team was led by BCC magistrate Imtiaz Mahamud Jewel.
Nahid, one of the evicted shopkeepers, alleged that they have not got enough time to shift their temporary shops.
Suraia, one of businessmen, said she already lost whatever she earned. The eviction drive was operated before the Eid in an inhuman manner, without giving us chances for earning any alternative sources to maintain livelihood
BCC magistrate denying the allegation said illegal occupants earlier warned several times to free the place, but they failed to follow our instructions and so we started eviction from 1:00 pm Sunday using our bulldozer.
BCC magistrate said several citizens alleged and we also noticed that due to the illegal occupancies, movements of pedestrians and vehicles facing severe problem in a busy crowded place like inter-district bus stand areas.
Md. Wahiduzzaman, BCC chief executive Officer, said the drive would be continued next time.
