134 more die of coronavirus, 6214 tested positive in 24 hrs


News Desk :
Bangladesh has recorded 134 new Covid-19 deaths in a day, taking the total toll to 14,912.
Besides, the caseload surged to 936,256 after 6,214 people tested positive for the coronavirus until 8am on Saturday, according to the latest government data.
The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) published the information via press release on Saturday.
The infection rate in the last 24 hours stands at 27.39%, with 22,687 tests being conducted during the same time.
Bangladesh has seen a record surge in deaths and cases this week with a record high of 143 fatalities reported on Thursday and 8,882 infections – biggest single-day jump – the previous day.
Meanwhile, another 3,777 patients recovered from the infectious disease in the 24 hours, taking the total number of recoveries to 829,199 – 88.57% of all infected.
To date, 6,693,681 tests have been conducted in Bangladesh, leading to an overall test positivity rate of 14%.
Of the 134 deceased, 84 were men and 50 were women. Some 39 of them died in Khulna division, 38 in Dhaka, 23 in Rajshahi, 15 in Rangpur, 11 in Chittagong, 4 in Mymensingh, and three in Barisal, and one in Sylhet.
As many as 127 of them died at different hospitals, while seven died at home.
So far, 10,580 men (71%) and 4,332 women (29%) have died of Covid-19 in Bangladesh. The mortality rate against the total number of cases detected currently stands at 1.59%.
On March 8, 2020, the health authorities in Bangladesh reported the first three cases of Covid-19, a severe acute respiratory illness caused by a new coronavirus strain which was later named Sars-CoV-2.The novel coronavirus broke out in China’s Wuhan city in late December 2019 and quickly spread throughout the world, turning into a pandemic in less than three months.
The fast-spreading coronavirus has claimed 3,982,217 lives and infected 183,958,871 people across the world as of Saturday afternoon, according to Worldometer, a reference website that provides counters and real-time statistics for diverse topics.
As many as 168,367,730 people have recovered from Covid-19, which has affected 222 countries and territories across the planet.
