1309 flats for conservancy staff of CCC

Proposed architectural design of the flats.
Proposed architectural design of the flats.

Chattogram Bureau : Chattogram City Corporation will construct 1309 flats consists of seven 14-storied building in the city for the better living of the conservancy staffs of the city corporation at a cost of Tk.231 crores . The project proposal will be placed in the ECNEC meeting today, a CCC sources said. Sources said about 2,461 families consists of 3500 members of Shebok are staying in different places in the city . Out of the total members, 1309 members are the conservancy staffs of the corporation. In early meeting of the CCC in February last, Project evaluation Committee approved the plan of the project unanimously. These flat building will be constructed at Feringhee Bazar bundle colony, Ferrighee Bazar , South Agrabad and Jawtala areas in the city.. Each flat will consists of 2 bed rooms, one kitchen, two baths, sources said.
