13 more villages inundated, 20,000 marooned in Fenchuganj

Sylhet Correspondent :
Thirteen more villages in Fenchuganj Upazila of the district have been flooded of the Kusiara rivers due to flash flooding caused by onrush of Barak water from the upstream Indian States of Asam and Monipur last couple days . The Kushiara rivers has swollen and spilled over the banks, flooding the law-lying areas while different parts of Sylhet-Fenchuganj road washed away by the rain waters.
During a field visit, our correspondent in Sylhet found that a vast area of the upazila comprising Pitaitikor, Gusshogram, Bagmara, Goyasi, Velcuna, Surikandi, Sailkandi, Sottish, Sunapur, Uttorislampur, Moinpur,Boraout villages have been inundated.
At least 20,000 people living in those villages are struggling hard as the supply of provisions has been disrupted due to the flooding of many roads. They are also going through hurdles for the shortage of cattle feeds.
Besides, business activities in important trading places like Fenchuganj Bazaar Area have been stalled as communication network around the areas has fallen apart.
Hure Jannat , UNO of Fenchuganj, said the floodwater is receding in some areas and the administration is prepared to tackle any adverse situation.
The Kushiara river is flowing 106 cm above the danger level at Fenchuganj point, said, upazila project implementation officer.
Fenchuganj Upazila Parishad Chairman (incharge)Jahanara Begum said, distribution of relief materials is urgently needed in the affected areas.
Sylhet people fearing gridlock during Ramadan
Sylhet city dwellers fear that massive traffic gridlock may take place during Ramadan.
According to local sources, for the last couple of years, the city dwellers have been witnessing traffic congestion during Ramadan because of traffic mismanagement and construction works of different development projects.
People alleged that all the development projects have been causing the unbearable traffic jams in different Points in the city killing their working time.
The dwellers believed if the drivers obeyed the traffic rules, construction works were done at night and police become more active, the traffic jam could be kept in expectable level in Ramadan.
Anwar Hussain , a private service holder, told Every day I have to loss nearly one hour to go to my work place because of the ongoing development projects which triggered traffic jams in the city.
Now Ive feared that the situation would get worsen during Ramadan if there were no special measures in this regard, he apprehended.
Moumita , a 4th year student of Leading university located citys Uposhohor area said: Usually I need around 30 minutes to arrive my university from home by rickshaw but its take now nearly one hour as the ally has been blocked due to main roads traffic congestion at Muradpur intersection.
SMP traffic sources said the amount of the traffics would increase during the Ramadan as all the offices and intuitions have followed same office routines fixed by the government.
SMPs Additional Commissioner (Traffic) told that, they would take measures ahead of Ramadan to control traffic congestion in the city.
