13 lakh children to get vitamin A-plus capsules

BSS, Chittagong :
Nearly 13 lakh children under five years of age will be administered vitamin ‘A’ Plus capsules on National Vitamin ‘A’ plus campaign-16, on July 16 next in the city and district.
The campaign will begin from 8am and continue uninterruptedly till 4pm.
Over 700 supervisors including Commissioners of 41 wards in Chittagong City Corporation (CCC) and 2100 supervisors in the 14 upazilas of the district will supervise the ‘A’ Plus campaign at their respective jurisdictions in the port city and district.
A total of 4,861 temporary vaccination centres will be set up by Chittagong Civil Surgeon office. Chittagong City Corporation (CCC) will set up 1248 temporary centres in its all 41 wards to carry out the programme.
Over 20,000 volunteers and health workers including 4,848 by CCC would be engaged for giving vitamin ‘A’ Plus capsules to the children aged from zero to 5 years. Besides 1,500 volunteers and health workers in CCC area and 5500 in the 14 upazilas in the district will carry out the drive in next four days from July 16 as a follow up programme through visiting doorsteps of the households to cover up dropped out children, CCC and civil surgeon office sources said.
CCC sources said several mobile teams consisting of 278 members in port city and 899 members in the district have been engaged to feed oral vaccines to the children at rail, bus and steamer stations as well as other places.
This was disclosed at a press conferences held at Civil Surgeon office by civil surgeon Dr Mohammad Azizur Rahman Chowdhury yesterday noon.
CCC mayor AJ M Nasir Uddin will formally inaugurate the day’s programmes on July 16 next.