1,287 more Rohingyas reach Bhasan Char


News Desk :
Another batch of 1,287 Rohingya refugees reached Bhasan Char in the tenth phase on Monday.
Of them 65 came as visitors from Cox’s Bazar Rohingya camps and 81 are residents of Bhasan Char returning after visiting their relatives, according to the media wing of Chattogram Navy.
The Rohingya men, women and children left Patenga for Bhasan Char by two naval ships in the morning and reached Bhasan Char at 1:30 pm, said Moazzem Hossain, additional refugee relief and repatriation commissioner (deputy secretary) in Bhasan Char, reports UNB.
The Rohingyas were taken to their respective clusters on arrival, he said. With this, the total number of Rohingya population at the Bhasan Char reached 20,949, he said
Bangladesh is currently hosting over 1.1 million Rohingyas in camps in Cox’s Bazar and Bhasan Char. Most of them have come to this country since August 25, 2017, when the Myanmar military launched a brutal offensive targeting the Muslim ethnic minorities.
