Fakhrul says: 12,000 opposition men killed in last 9 years

Staff Reporter :
BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Saturday said, according to the newspaper reports and information we have, more than 12,850 opposition leaders and activists were killed in last nine years due to their political identification.
He said this while disclosing the organisation’s report at the meeting of national executive committee held at La Meridian Hotel in the city yesterday.
The BNP secretary general said, Ilias Ali, Chowdhury Alam and many other leaders and activists were abducted. The report prepared by various national and international organizations has highlighted the alarming picture of human rights situation in Bangladesh.
“We are continuing fight against this monstrous government,” Mirza Fakhrul said, adding Awami League from the fear of defeat has become madness and involved in political killing and destruction. The time has come to oust the party from power through a mass wake up.
He said, at present the biggest challenge before us is to protect the country’s independence and sovereignty, and restore democracy.
“The current one-party rule of the tyrannical fascist government will have to face the dire consequences,” the BNP secretary general said.
He said the government will have to be forced to arrange a free and fair parliamentary elections under a non-partisan neutral government.
He said, Begum Khaleda Zia will fight for the people to protect the country’s independence, sovereignty and democracy. “She wants to establish a happy and prosperous democratic Bangladesh as dreamt by late President Ziaur Rahman.
“In the greater welfare of the country and the nation, we are also involved in the same spirit. Victory is in our door if we can keep ourselves remain united,” the BNP secretary general said.
He said, “When Khaleda Zia is sued, we cannot sit quietly. We have to stand up, protest. We have to fight for the greater interest of the people.”