11-year old boy mimics TV show hanging, loses life


Hindustan Times :
Demonstrating a ‘stunt’ in front of his elder sister allegedly cost an 11-year-old boy his life at Marathwada region in Maharashtra.
Shaikh Sajed Shaikh Wajed, a Class 4 student of an Urdu school was at his home at Flowers’ Quarters in Ambajogai with his siblings on Monday when the incident happened, a police officer told PTI over phone from the Tehsil town in Beed district.
“Sajed was apparently showing his elder sister how hanging takes place in TV serials,” the officer said. Sajed’s father, a labourer at a brick kiln, was away as was his mother, at the time of the incident.
The boy allegedly attempted a ‘stunt’ by hanging with the help of a rope after coming back from school. The child had a meal with his brother and sister and was watching TV with his siblings before committing the ‘stunt’, police said.
“We have registered a case of accidental death,” the officer said. Police said Sajed had demanded a bicycle from his father sometime ago and was unhappy that his wish wasn’t fulfilled.
