11 fined in Chandpur for defying health rules


National Desk :
A mobile court Saturday slapped 11 people in Chandpur town with fines combining Tk4,100 for violating health rules as Covid-19 cases and fatalities have been on an upswing in the country.
The fines were handed out during drives on the streets of the town to ensure that people comply with health and safety protocols amid a resurgence of Covid-19 cases in recent weeks.
Executive Magistrate Md Mehedi Hasan Manik, who led the two-hour drive, said: “We are trying to sensitise people to help curb the spread of Covid-19. We are penalising those who are defying health rules and also distributing free masks.”
The government imposed a week-long countrywide lockdown from April 5 to curb the new wave of Covid-19 infections. However, there have been random breaches of the restrictions imposed by the authorities since then.
On the opening day of the lockdown, businessmen in Chandpur town, like elsewhere in the country, protested over the decision to keep shops closed.
Meanwhile, Bangladesh reported 77 more Covid-19 deaths in the last 24 hours, the highest since the pandemic hit the country, taking the fatalities to 9,661. The infection rate stood at 20.49%.
