11 doctors of Jashore hospital sent to quarantine


UNB, Jashore :
Eleven doctors and as many nurses of Jashore General Hospital were sent to home quarantine on Wednesday after they came in close contact with coronavirus patients.
Resident Medical Officer Dr Arif Ahmed said the doctors and staffers of the hospital were sent to 14-day quarantine after two patients of the hospital tested positive for coronavirus.
Dr Dilip Kumar Roy, supervisor of the hospital, said the Coronary Care Unit (CCU) and medicine ward of the hospital were put under lockdown and the patients receiving treatment there were shifted to other wards.
“The samples of the doctors and nurses will be collected soon for testing,” he said.
According to Bangladesh Doctors Foundation (BDF), a forum of physicians, 440 doctors at both private and public hospitals have been infected with the virus as of Wednesday.
Of them, 303 are from different government hospitals, 100 from private hospitals while 37 were shown in other category in the BDF data.
Bangladesh has so far confirmed 7,103 coronavirus cases and 163 deaths.
