11 directives issued to ensure mask use


Staff Reporter :
The government has issued 11 directives to ensure use of masks at all levels as COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the country.
A government handout issued the directives on Monday.
These are: Officials and employees and service seekers at all government, semi-government, autonomous and private offices must wear masks. Offices concerned will look into the matter. Visitors coming to the government and private hospitals and health centres must need to wear masks. Hospitals authorities concerned to ensure the matter.
Wearing of masks mandatory at places of worship, including mosques, churches and temples. Local administration and managing committee concerned will ensure the matter.
Sellers and customers at shopping malls, shops, and stores must use masks. Local authorities and market managing committee will ensure the matter
Buyers and sellers at hats and bazars must use masks. They can not buy or sell products without wearing masks. Local authorities and hats and bazars managing committee will ensure the matter.
Drivers, their assistants, and passengers of public transports (road, sea, rail, and air) must wear masks. Passengers must wear a mask before boarding the transports. The authorities concerned, law enforcement agencies, and the owners’ associations have been ordered to ensure the matter.
Workers in all industries including RMG factories must wear masks and the authorities concerned and owners will ensure it.
 The use of masks by hawkers, rickshaw and van pullers and pedestrians should be ensured. Law enforcement agencies will look into the matter.
 Employees of hotels and restaurants and people attending rallies and gathering must wear masks which will be ensured by local administrations and the owners’ associations concerned.
 People attending all kinds of social programmes must wear masks. Organisations concerned will ensure it.
 Healthy members of a family should use masks if there is any patient having coronavirus symptoms at home.
