10th grader hacked to death for protesting stalking

UNB, Barisal :
A schoolboy was hacked to death and another injured by some unidentified miscreants in front of Uttar Alekandar Government Primary School in the city on Saturday morning for protesting stalking.
The deceased was identified as Saidul Hridoy, 14, a class X student of Shaheed Abdur Rouf Serniabat Government High School and son of Shahin Gazi of Bhandaria upazila in Pirojpur district
Papia Jesmin, head teacher of the school, said that as the construction work of new building of their school was underway, they were running their academic activities in a building of Barisal Zila School.
The miscreants stabbed Hridoy when he went out of the classroom during a break, said the head teacher.
Awlad Hossain, officer-in-charge of Kotwali Police Station, that a gang of miscreants attacked Hridoy and his friend Rafi around 10:30 am and stabbed the indiscriminately, leaving them critically injured.
Hridoy died on the way to Sher-e-Bangla Medical College and Hospital while his friend was admitted to the hospital.
Injured Rafi told police that the attackers used to stalk schoolgirls in front of the school. Hridoy protested the stalking.
On information police visited the spot, said Golam Rouf Khan, deputy commissioner of Barisal Metropolitan police. However, none was arrested in this connection.