1,059 hectares of land flooded in Sirajganj

Our Correspondent :
Water level of the Jamuna River is continue to raise at Sirajganj point , flooding the low-lying char areas of the district.
Sirajganj WDB deputy engineer Ranajit Kumar Sarker confirmed the matter on Friday noon.
“The water was flowing 12.9 cm at Sirajganj hard point in the Jamuna River on Friday morning which below 45 cm of the danger level,” said the engineer.
The water level has increased 12 cm in the last 24-hour, he added. “The water level will increased in upcoming days and it may cross the danger level,” said Ranajit.
Besides Jamuna, water levels of Phuljur, Karatoa, Hurasagar, Ichamati and Baral rivers were also increased. Crops like maize, peanuts and vegetables were submerged under water.
About 1,059 hectares of cultivated lands in 30 union parishads under five upazilas inundated due to the fresh water, said Department of Agricultural Extension deputy director Md Habibul Haque.