101 gold bars seized from Ctg, Satkhira

Staff Reporter :
In Chattogram a joint team of National Security Intelligence (NSI) and Customs Intelligence and Investigation Directorate (CIID) have recovered a total of 70 gold bars from a toilet of Shah Amanat International Airport.
The total weight of the gold bars is 8.166kg and its market price is estimated
 Tk 3.5 crore, said Nurun Nahar Lily, Assistant Director of the Customs Intelligence.
The flight of Salam Airways flying from Mascot landed at the Airport around 12.45pm, while the gold bars were recovered from a toilet of the Airport around 2.00pm, she said.
The gold bars were kept in the lavatory in a black bag wrapped with scotch-tap, Customs AD Lily said, adding “CIID kept watch on the passengers of the flight.
“Sensing the intelligences’ presence, smugglers abandoned the gold inside the toilet.
In Satkhira, Members of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) recovered 31 gold bars, weighing 4.668 Kgs, from an abandoned place in Baliadanga Bazar of Satkhira around 8:30am, Shariful Islam, Public Relations Officer (PRO) of BGB, said.
The market price of the gold is around Tk 2.80 crore, he said.
According to BGB, two motorcycle riders fled leaving their motorcycle and the gold bars after sighting BGB surveillance team. The recovered gold has been handed over to BGB 33 Battalion headquarters.