100pc passed in Barishal Board’s HSC exams


UNB, Barisal :

The Barisal Education Board on Saturday announced the news of 100% pass percentage in last year’s Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examination.
All 68,920 candidates have achieved pass marks. Of them, a total of 4,468 students bagged GPA 5, the maximum grade point average. The Board could not hold the exam last year due to Covid-19 and the consequent lockdown.
“If anyone wishes to go for a review, they can contact the Board’s tele-helpline within a week. They have to pay Tk 125 for the same,” exam moderator Arun Kumar Gain said.
Earlier in the day, the results of HSC and equivalent exams of 2020 were published. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina unveiled the results of 11 boards virtually from her official residence Ganobhaban.
The evaluation was based on the students’ Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Secondary School Certificate (SSC) results as exams were not held last year.
The results were published after collating 75% from SSC and 25% from JSC and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) results, Education Minister Dr Dipu Moni said.
The cabinet had earlier approved a draft bill for an amendment to the Intermediate and Secondary Education Ordinance, 1961, allowing the education boards to publish results without holding exams amid any crisis.
In October, the Education Ministry formed a seven-member technical committee, headed by Nazmul Haque Khan, the additional secretary, for developing a method of evaluating the candidates based on their previous SSC and JSC results.
The HSC batch of 2020 will be the first batch of students who will get certificates without sitting for the exams as it is the first time in Bangladesh’s history that a public exam has been cancelled.
The government has again extended the closure of educational institutions, except the Qawmi madrasas, until February 14, as there has been no significant improvement in the coronavirus situation in the country.
Education Minister Dipu Moni confirmed it in an official media release on Friday after consultation with others.
The government shut all the schools and educational institutions on March 17 last year after the country confirmed its first Covid-19 cases on March 8.
The closure was extended several times, most recently until January 30 this year to protect the students from the infections.
