1,00,610 Covid-19 patients recover


The number of recovered Covid-19 patients reached 1,00,610 with the recovery of 595 more people till Wednesday morning raising the average recovery rate to 83.15 percent in the district.
Meanwhile, Chattogram district recorded Covid-19 positivity rate of 21.35 percent while 549 fresh cases were reported after testing 2,75 samples during the last 24 hours till this morning.
With the newly infected cases, the number of coronavirus (COVID-19) patients stands at 120,992 in the district, civil surgeon Dr Ilias Chowdhury said.
The number of positive cases continues rising rapidly in the last one and half month amid a declining trend in the recovery rate of the infected patients.
With one more new death recorded during the period, the death toll reached at 1,359.
A total of 3,725 infected patients are now undergoing treatment at different designated hospitals here.
