10,000 UDC entrepreneurs to be given training on citizen journalism


The government will impart training to some 10,000 entrepreneurs of union digital centres (UDC) on citizenjournalism to regularly post grassroots development news and public interest related issues on UP websites and various social networking sites.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on Tuesday between the Information and Communication Technology Division and Tathyaseba Barta Sangstha (TSB) Ltd in this regard. The training will be given in the next three years under the information window programme at grassroots level of the ICT Division.
Noting that the free flow of information is the precondition for people’s empowerment, ICT Division Secretary Shyam Sunder Sikder said the ICT Division has taken the information window programme considering the matter.
He also said on completion of the training, the UDC entrepreneurs will upload news stories on traditional culture, heritage, technological development and other topics on the 4,547 websites. Additional Secretaries to the division Hurunur Rashid and Susanta Kumar Saha and Chief News Editor of news agency UNB Mahfuzur Rahman were, among others, present at the signing ceremony.
