10,000 marginal poultry farmers look for suitable business atmosphere in Rajshahi

BSS, Rajshahi :
More than 10,000 marginal poultry farmers here are looking for reasonable market price of poultry feed, medicine and chicks along with their produced and reared birds and eggs for making their existing business sustainable.
“We need at least congenial atmosphere to run our business smoothly and successfully,” said Monwar Kabir, Owner of Fida-Fima Poultry Farm at Chalkpara area in the city, adding that there is an enormous scope of furthermore promoting the sector.
While talking to BSS he mentioned existence of poultry industry is very important for supplying proteins to the community regularly. Its role is also vital to generate employment and poverty eradication.
Kabir produces around 4,500 eggs per day on an average in his 6,000-bird farm currently. He started his business with 700 birds in 2004 with an initial investment of around Taka 4 lakh elevating his business capital to Taka 70 lakh at present. Seven day-labourers including two females are working there. He says production cost for each of the eggs is around Taka 5 whereas its wholesale price is hardly Taka 4.30 in local markets. On the contrary, he said the consumers in general have to purchase an egg at Taka six to eight in retail markets. Kabir terms the problem as artificial and manmade and demanded rational reduction of price-gap between wholesale and retail. “I have compelled to reduce the number of birds to 4,000 from 10,000 to minimize the gradually declining operating cost to some extent,” said Arifuz Zaman, owner of Asif Poultry Farm at Kamlapur under Godagari Upazila.
Tyranny of mid-level opportunists and all sorts of monopoly businesses centering the poultry sector must be stopped to save the marginal farmers, he suggested.
Nadim Hossain, Owner of Tanaka Agro Limited at Kapasia under Paba Upazila, draws government attention and intervention to protect the sector.
“Basically, we have no hands on markets as it’s totally controlled by all the persons concerned,” said Dr Zulfikar Md Aktar Hossain, Additional District Livestock Officer. “We along with around 43,000 workers are facing an embarrassing situation due to the exorbitant price of poultry feed, medicines and chicks in one hand and lower price of eggs and birds on the other hand,” lamented Masudul Haque Nilu.
Nilu, district unit president of Poultry Owners Association, told BSS that more than 2,500 businessmen have compelled to shut down their business in the district incurring huge loss during the last couple of years. Many enthusiastic educated people came up to the sector with positive investment but couldn’t survive due to adverse situation.