1000 unauthorized auto ply in Sylhet city


Sylhet Correspondent. :

No registration Behind said a board write AFR. A huge no of auto run into Sylhet for a long time. some labour leader and police take profit by it. Every month they take money. the auto driver has no license. Only they we member of a society.
BRTA authority said nomber of registered CNG in Sylhet is 21,232, 5 years ago 1,500 applied for registration. But no office. Another 2000 Unauthorized auto run in the town. A group of district CNG run these vehicles. They take a huge amount of money to run these CNG’S. The CNG has two branch level office. One in Amberkhana and another in salutikor. 1000 illegal auto are under their control. Every plate show the sign AFR leaders take Tk 1000 from each auto per month. The give token its time is one month. A syndicate cover this business. Mr Tera Miah is its leader. Formerly it was run by A Hassain and A Mannan. From unauthorized CNG monthly TK 10 Lakh they earn.
Many auto ply without formal document. Drivers said they give monthly payment. In absence of proper suppression some unscourplus police run this business.
Some drivers said they have no license. Some have fake license. Hasan Miah of Majumdari said his CNG has no registration. License is fake. He said license is not necessary in this road. In BRT A Office broker take bribe from them. They want TK 10,00. Sonawar Miah a CNG owner said he has two CNG With out registration. He Applined to BRTA 4 Years ago. But no result. He give Tk 1000 in each month as ransom. Some time police release his CNG to see token.
He said police give token to ply CNG. Many owner sell this CNG it has low price.
Amberkhana auto labour union said 1000 illegal auto ply in the road. In each check post showing Tera Miah token police release the CNG.
 Mr Tear Mia said he take charge for 3 months. He run this charge previously. He give token. Daily 15 CNG are used by police to avoid harassment.
ASP of Sylhet city police (Traffic) Nicolin Chakma said there is no CNG pump station in Salutikor. Some CNG run in choukidiki in without registration. we drive action periodically.
