10-yr old madrasa girl ‘raped’, killed in Gazipur


bdnews24.com :
The body of a 10-year old girl has been recovered from Gazipur’s Sreepur, a day after she went missing.
Police suspect the fourth-grader madrasa student was raped before being strangled to death.
The victim, hailing from Sreepur, was a student of local Marichartala Islamia Dakhil Madrasa.
Sreepur police OC Abdul Majid said she had gone missing on Friday evening after she went to listen to religious chanting at a local temple with her sister and grandmother.
Locals found her half-naked body the following day.
Majid said, the child’s face and neck bore bite marks and her pant was found beside her body.
“Prima facie it appears she was raped before being strangled,” the police officer said.
Victim’s grandmother said her grandchildren were listening to chanting as she was sitting at a shop nearby.
The younger sister came to her saying a local resident ‘Mintu’, 34, had given her Tk 5 to buy chocolates.
“I looked for my grand daughter for two hours but couldn’t find her. I went to Mintu’s house but he wasn’t there,” the woman recounted. “We found her body in the morning at a flower garden,” she said. OC Majid said, they were trying to detain Mintu although no case was filed until Saturday afternoon.
