10 matches of Women’s Rugby held


Ten matches of the Walton National Woman’s Rugby competition were decided on the opening day( Sunday) at Paltan ground adjoining Bangabandhu National Stadium, said a Bangladesh Rugby Federation Union (BRFU) press release.
In the day’s matches, Thakurgaon district blanked Manikganj district 5-0, Kishorganj district Joypurhat district 20-0, Chittagong District outclassed Joypurht district 10-0, Narayanganj district blanked Dhaka district 15-0, Narail district beat Dinajpur district 25-0, Kishorganj district defeated Chittagong district 10-0, Jamalpur district beat Barguna district 5-0, Nrail district defeated Habigaj district 25-0 and Jamalpur and Manikganj district played out to a 5-5 draw.
A total of 12 district teams are taking part in the three-day meet sponsored by Walton Group and organised by BRFU.
The participating teams are: Dhaka, Manikganj, Kishorganj, Jamalpur, Chittagong, Habiganj, Narail, Bagerhat, Barguna, Joypurhat, Dinajpur and Thakurgaon districts. Walton Group additional director head of games and sports FM Iqbal Bin Anwar formally inaugurated the meet as chief guest.
