10 directives for Ja’amat in mosques


Staff Reporter :
The Ministry of Religious Affairs on Monday issued new guidelines on performing prayers in mosques in an emergency notification to curb the spike in Covid-19 infections in the country.
Soap and water, hand wash facilities or hand sanitisers should be available at the entrance of each mosque and everyone must wear mask before entering, said the notification signed by the ministry’s Deputy Secretary Sakhawat Hossain.
The worshippers should come to the mosque after performing ablutions (wudu) and Sunnah prayers from home and wash their hands with soap for at least 20 seconds while performing ablutions. The notification also said carpets should not be laid in the mosque and the entire mosque should be cleaned with disinfectants before each of the five daily prayers. Each worshipper has to bring their own prayer mat with them.
Social distancing must be ensured when standing for prayers. Children, the elderly and those engaged in taking care of the sick should refrain from praying in congregation, the directive further mentioned.
Soaps and hand sanitisers should be kept where worshippers perform ablutions in the mosque. Prayer mats and hats stored in the mosque cannot be used.
The notification also said iftar and sehri cannot be organised in the mosque during Ramadan.
Khatibs, imams and mosque management committees have been asked to implement these directives, said the notification.
If these are not complied with, the administration and law enforcement agencies will take action against the concerned authorities.
