10 bodies found in Myanmar mass grave

Reuters, Yangon :
Myanmar authorities have found 10 bodies buried in a mass grave on the edge of a village in Rakhine State, the military-run newspaper Myawady reported on Tuesday, a day after the army said it had launched an investigation at the site.
About 650,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled from Rakhine state and sought refuge in neighboring Bangladesh in recent months after a violent crackdown there by Myanmar security forces in response to attacks by militants.
Rights monitors have accused troops of atrocities, including killings, mass rape and arson during the crackdown. The United States has said it amounted to “ethnic cleansing”.
The Myanmar military has said its own internal investigation had exonerated security forces of all accusations of atrocities.
A team including police, a local administrator, judge and doctor had examined the grave site, at the village of Inn Din, about 50 km (30 miles) north of the state capital Sittwe, on Tuesday and discovered 10 unidentified bodies, Myawady said.