1 held with 1.285kg heroin in city

UNB, Dhaka :
Detectives arrested an alleged international drug smuggler along with 1.285 kg of heroin from the city’s Nikunja area on Friday evening. The arrestee was identified as Saiful Islam, 34, a nephew and partner of Elias who was hanged in China in 2014 in connection with the smuggling
of 20 kg of heroin. Tipped off, a team of Detective Branch (DB) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police, led by its Senior Assistant Commissioner Hasan Arafat, conducted a drive at a house of Nikunja-2 of Khilkhet and arrested Saiful, said DMP Deputy Commissioner (Media) Masudur Rahman on Saturday.
The DB team also recovered 1.285 kg heroin searching his drawing room. The drug consignment was brought from Pakistan, the DC added.