“˜People with controlled chronic disease can receive Covid-19 vaccines’


People with controlled chronic diseases, homeopathic and traditional medicine receivers can take Covid-19 vaccines, an official press release said on Wednesday.
Apart from controlled chronic diseases, people with controlled respiratory disease would also be eligible for receiving coronavirus inoculations, it said, adding along with priority group of people, different professionals including teachers at primary, secondary and tertiary levels, cleaners and transport workers can take the vaccine.
The health authorities said mild side effects including light fever, headache, body pain and vomiting will be felt after taking Covid-19 vaccine.
People have been registered through visiting www.surokkha.gov.bd website to receive Covid-19 vaccination. Emergency hot numbers for taking vaccines are 16263, 333 and 10655.
The health ministry sources said people aged 40 years and above will be allowed to receive Covid-19 vaccines.
The vaccination drive is underway at 50 hospitals in Dhaka city and 1005 hospitals outside the capital, she said, adding the immunization began at 8am and it will continue till 2.30 pm.
But some hospitals will continue the vaccination programme throughout the day.
The inoculation would be administered among people in government hospitals up to upazila level while 9.7 lakh people so far got them registered to be inoculated, according to Directorate General of Health Services.
According to earlier decision of the government, people aged 55 and above were only eligible for taking vaccines but the decision has been revised a day after launching of the countrywide Covid-19 vaccination campaign on February 7.
