Yunus’ social business attracts Pope Francis


UNB, Dhaka :Pope Francis has shown interested in Prof Yunus’ concept of social business and his view on the role of selflessness in the economy.Pope Francis consulted Dr Yunus at a special meeting of global thinkers on ‘The Global Common Good: Towards A More Inclusive Economy’ at Vatican City from July 11-12.The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace was the organiser of the conference and is part of the Roman Curia dedicated to ‘action-oriented studies’ for the international promotion of justice, peace, and human rights from the perspective of the Roman Catholic Church.Prof Yunus was invited to participate in the discussion, said a Yunus Centre press release on Sunday.Jose Angel Gurria, Secretary General, OECD; Mark Carney, Governor of Bank of England; Michel Camdessus, former IMF managing director;Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Finance Minister of Nigeria; Donald Kaberuka, President of African Development Bank; Vandana Shiva, Environmental Activist; Huguette Labelle, Chairman of Transparency International; and Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute of Columbia University; attended the meeting.The Catholic Church under the leadership of Pope Francis is seeking to formulate a new economic policy taking into account the spiritual perspective. Pope Francis who has been an outspoken critic of the global economic system took this initiative to hold a consultation meeting on what is needed at the global policy level to overcome the social plagues that humiliate the dignity of the person.In line with his predecessors, Pope has declared his opposition to the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation and to an attitude of indifference that characterizes today’s political, economic and social situation.Prof Yunus highlighted his view on poverty, unemployment and state charity. He explained to the church leaders how we could create a world free from unemployment, poverty, and dependence on state charity through social business.He emphasised that the present conceptual framework of capitalist economy is morally wrong and is based on very narrow interpretation of human beings, which assigns a role which is antagonistic to the unleashing of basic human qualities of sharing and caring.Prof Yunus said the global economic system as it is now is based on survival of the fittest. Human society should not be a ‘jungle’ society. It should not be based on survival of the fittest, but on survival of all with dignity and friendship among all. Its basic principle should be ‘everybody must have equal chance’.
