World Food Day observed at CVASU

BSS, Chattogram :
Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Science University (CVASU) observed the World Food Day-2019 through day-long programmes. Food science and Technology Faculty brought out a colorful rally on the campus at 10.30 am on Wednesday.
The rally started from in front of the administrative building and concluded at the same venue after parading the CVASU campus. Teachers, students, officers and employees participated in the rally. The theme of the day was “Our Dedication Our Future, Notorious food will be desired hungry free world’.A discussion was held at CVASU auditorium after the rally.
Dean of Food Science Faculty Professor Dr Jannatara Khatun presided over the meeting while Dean of Veterinary Medicine Prof. Dr. Abdul Ahad, External Director Prof. Dr. AKM Saifuddin, Deputy Director of BSTI, Chattogram chapter Mohammad Showkat Osman, vice president of CAB SM Nazer Hossain, general manager of Fulkali Limited MA Sabur were present in the discussion as special guests. Head of Department of Food Processing & Engineering Dr Zakia Sultana Juti presented the keynote paper.
Head of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Fahad Bin Kader delivered the address of welcome. Speakers in the discussion said various countries, including Bangladesh are experiencing food deficit besides people are starving due to insufficient food production.
The speakers urged all to avoid consumption of unhealthy food as unscrupulous food suppliers use various colorful chemicals in the food items to attract the consumers which are harmful for the human body, a press release said on Wednesday.