Commentary: Without UN assurance Bangladesh can’t force back Rohingyas to hell

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Myanmar for repatriation of Rohingyas appears to have left the entire process to the whims of Myanmar government. They will have the final say on verification of refugees and also on the number of people they will take. This is totally unacceptable to any respectable country. The repatriation must be done with the help of international verification. Myanmar is not taking Bangladesh seriously and it is our fault.

In this deal there is also no timeframe to end the process; no commitment to take all refugees and no room for involving UN agencies to fix the terms and conditions of repatriation and supervise safe return. Myanmar can even turn down UN Human Rights Commission (UNHCR) documentation of refugees; which is not legally binding on them.

We are clearly dismayed by such a deal. In fact we can’t forgive Myanmar for the crime its military has committed against helpless Rohingya Muslims and moreover can’t forego the right for a fair deal of their safe return. Any deal that does not give safety on their return and citizenship is not a worthy deal at all.

Rohingyas are victims of international crimes committed by Myanmar army and it is the international responsibility to ensure their safety back home. No consideration was shown by Myanmar while it intentionally imposed on us this international humanitarian crisis. With involvement of UN agencies we cannot be dictated by Myanmar and Rohingyas themselves will be depending on international community for dealing with Myanmar. Bangladesh cannot deny the international rights of Rohingyas to get justice.

Bangladesh is making mistake by pursuing the matter bilaterally appearing to be more submissive and weak. We have international strength for meeting the Rohingya crisis. Myanmar is trying to save itself from the international pressure for imposing sanctions and trial for genocide. We are playing the game into the hands of our unfriendly countries.


The news is that under the so-called agreement the Rohingyas would be settled initially in temporary camps but as what? As enemies to be butchered at will again?

Foreign Minister A.H. Mahmood Ali told reporters on Saturday Bangladesh’s interest has not been ignored or hampered at all in the deal — our main goal is to send back the Rohingya Muslims. But how Myanmar can be trusted to help us protect our interest when committing aggression against us showing extreme enmity with us.

Myanmar is talking about repatriation in one hand and continuing on the other to expel the remaining Rohingyas hiding in the countryside. Bangladesh has no leverage to negotiate with Myanmar and we must depend on international support being extended to Rohingya people.

 We are making our position untenable by treating this issue as a bilateral issue to be settled bilaterally with Myanmar.
