Why pronunciation is important


Pronunciation is definitely the biggest thing that people notice when you are speaking English.
Consider this … If you are a beginner and have a small vocabulary, but great pronunciation, then you can communicate simply but successfully.
On the other hand if you have advanced grammar and vocabulary, but your pronunciation is BAD, then other people won’t understand a single word you say!
That’s why good pronunciation is essential for speaking fluent English. Moreover, good pronunciaton skill can give you more self-confidence when you speak in front of many people. When you talk to a person in real life, they may not notice your limited vocabulary or grammar mistakes. But they will notice right away if your pronunciation is good or bad. If your pronunciation is poor, they will think about you as the guy/girl who speaks bad English, and good grammar and vocabulary won’t help you!
And the consequences of bad pronunciation are tragic. Even if you use correct grammar, people may simply not understand what you want to say.
Many people learning English language often do not pay any attention to their pronunciation. Even worse, some of them underestimate it. They think that pronunciation is less important than grammar and vocabulary.
In fact, in my opinion pronunciation is extremely important. Many cases of misunderstanding in communication were caused by the mispronouncing of words or the improper intonation.
(Md. Enamul Islam is the Director of British American English Foundation, founder principal, The Headway School, Uttara, Dhaka, formerly Founder Director and Senior Teacher – European Standard School (ESS), Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Founder Senior Teacher -Mastemind, Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Teacher- Scholastica, Gulshan 2, Dhaka).
Md. Enamul Islam
