Why growing cities do not have homes for all


Joseph Chamie :
The proportions of homeless among OECD countries, for example, are below 1 per cent. The highest rate, nearly 1 per cent, is in New Zealand, where more than 40,000 people live on the streets or in emergency housing or substandard shelters
While 1.6 billion of world population lacks adequate housing, around 150 million are homeless
People openly live on the streets of the world’s major urban centres – from Cairo to Washington, DC – a disconcerting reminder of homelessness. While some maintain homelessness is a solvable problem, others conclude that the condition is an enduring feature of modern urban landscapes.
Homelessness was once considerably less visible. In 1950, for example, 70 per cent of the world’s population of 2.5 billion was spread out across rural areas. Housing problems, far removed from urban centres, were largely unnoticed. Today, most of the world’s population of 7.6 billion, 55 per cent, is concentrated in urban centres, in close proximity to the politically influential and economically well-to-do.
Based on national reports, it’s estimated that no less than 150 million people, or about two per cent of the world’s population, are homeless. However, about 1.6 billion, more than 20 per cent of the world’s population, may lack adequate housing.
Obtaining an accurate picture of homelessness globally is challenging for several reasons. First, and perhaps most problematic, is variations in definitions. Homelessness can vary from simply the absence of adequate living quarters or rough sleeping to include the lack of a permanent residence that provides roots, security, identity and emotional wellbeing. The absence of an internationally agreed upon definition of homelessness hampers meaningful comparisons. The United Nations has recognised that definitions vary across countries because homelessness is essentially culturally defined based on concepts such as adequate housing, minimum community housing standard or security of tenure.
Second, many governments lack resources and commitment to measure the complicated and elusive phenomenon. Authorities confront a dynamic situation with frequent changes in housing status, and many communities have not established accurate trends of homelessness.
Third, homelessness is often considered embarrassing, a taboo subject, and governments tend to understate the problem. Obtaining accurate numbers is difficult, especially in developing countries. In Moscow, for example, officials report that the homeless number around 10,000, while non-government organisations claim that as many as 100,000 live on the streets. Also, in the Philippines capital of Manila, reported to have the largest homeless population of any city in the world, estimates vary from several million to tens of thousands. In the world’s billion-plus populations, China and India, reported numbers of homeless are 3 million and 1.77 million, respectively, rates of 0.22 per cent and 0.14 per cent – on par with levels reported by many wealthy developed countries. Given their levels of socioeconomic development, the Chinese and Indian rates of homelessness appear unduly low.
Fourth, many of the homeless are reluctant to be enumerated or registered. Homeless youth often avoid authorities who may contact parents or place them in foster care. Some parents may not wish to be labelled as homeless out of fear of losing custody of children. Also, some homeless persons, especially those suffering from mental disorders or substance abuse, fear arrest or confinement at a medical facility for treatment.
Acknowledging that national definitions of homelessness vary and the limitations in available data and statistical measures, the highest levels of homelessness, typically double-digit rates, are in the least developed nations, failing states and countries in conflict or suffering from natural disasters. Haiti, Iraq, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Syria, have large numbers of internally displaced persons, many living in makeshift temporary housing, shantytowns or government shelters.
Homelessness rates reported in most developed countries, including those in shelters and on the streets, are comparatively low. The proportions of homeless among OECD countries, for example, are below 1 per cent. The highest rate, nearly 1 per cent, is in New Zealand, where more than 40,000 people live on the streets or in emergency housing or substandard shelters.

(Joseph Chamie is an independent consulting demographer and a former director of the United Nations Population Division).
