May Day observed: Vow to stablish socio-economic rights of workers, safety in workplaces demanded


BSS,Chittagong :

The historic May Day was observed in the port city and its adjacent districts with a fresh vow to establish socio-economic rights of the workers and demanding their safety in workplaces on Sunday.
Different political parties, cultural and trade union organisations observed the day through various programmes, which included discussion meetings, rally, human chain, processions and cultural functions.
Apart from different places in the city, workers of industrial belts and its outskirts including Sitakunda, Fouzderhat, Patenga, Nasirabad, Biyazeed, Karnaphuli and Kalurghat also held rallies, processions and organized cultural programmes to mark the day.
The workers carried placards and festoons and chanted slogans in favor of their rights, full wages and other facilities. Workers in the transport sector abstained from work, as usual, on the May Day which lead to the sufferings of city dwellers as well as passengers of long distance routes.
To mark the day, Chittagong Divisional Labour Department and Directorate of Factory and Establishment Inspection arranged daylong programmes.
The programmes include decorating important city squares and thoroughfares with road sign, banner, posters and festoons inscribed with dignity and significant aspects of the day and laws relating to the workers rights, publication of special supplements, discussions, multimedia presentation on workers rights and cultural functions at Muslim Institute Hall.
Local newspapers published special articles while Chittagong centres of Bangladesh Betar and Bangladesh Television aired special programmes highlighting the importance of the day. Divisional Labour Directorate organized a discussion meeting at city’s Muslim Hall Institute at 10 am on that day.
City Mayor AJM Nasir Uddin, addressed the function as the chief guest. Deputy Commissioner of Chittagong Mezbah Uddin addressed the function as special guest. Entrepreneurs, representatives of trade union organizations and government officials took part in the discussion.
Light Vehicles Drivers Union organized a rally at GEC Crossing this morning. Auto Rickshaw and Auto Tempo Sramik Union organized separate rally at Kazir Dwery that afternoon.
Chittagong Press Club, Chittagong Union of Journalists (CUJ), Chittagong Metropolitan Union of Journalist (CMUJ) Chittagong Newspaper Hawkers League, Chittagong Newspaper Hawkers Union (CNHU), Newspaper Computer Operators Association (CNCOA) and Chittagong Newspaper Employees Union (CNEU) jointly organized a rally in front of the Chittagong Press Club and brought out a procession in the city this morning led by CUJ President Reaz Haider Chowdhury..
After the rally, a procession was brought out in the city. A discussion meeting was held under the auspices of Chittagong Metropolitan Union of Journalists (CMUJ) at its hall with CMUJ President Shamsul Haq Haidari in the chair.
Bangladesh Communist Party, Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal, Jatiya Sramik League Chittagong Divisional Coordination Unit, Bangladesh Trade Union Federation, Bangladesh Sarak Paribahan Federation, Chittagong Auto-Rickshaw Auto- Tempoo Sramik Union and Jatiyatabadi Sramik Dal organized daylong programmes to mark the day.
