Vegetable prices come down gradually in Ctg

Chattogram Bureau :
The supply of vegetables increased in the kitchen markets of the port city at the beginning of winter. Seasonal vegetables are coming from different parts of North Bengal including Dohazari, Rangunia, and Chattogram Hill zones. Initially, the prices of these vegetables increased a bit, but now they are within the purchasing power.
However, the prices of vegetables vary in different markets of the city including Riazuddin Bazar, Chawkbazar , Kazir Deuri Bazar, Agrabad Karnafuli Market. On Friday, the city’s wholesale market Reazuddin Bazar, was visited and vegetable prices remained unchanged like last week.
New potatoes are being sold in the market at Tk 40 per kg. Old potatoes 40-45 taka, tomatoes 50-60 taka, beans 40-50 taka, cauliflower 25-30 taka, cabbage 20-25 taka, radish 20 taka, eggplant 40 taka, carrots 30-40 taka, cucumber 25 taka, gourd 20-25 taka, sweet pumpkin 25 taka, barbati 50 taka, raw papaya 30 taka, bean 50-60 taka, chichinga 40-50 taka small kachu 30-40 taka green chillies are being sold at 80 to 100 taka.
In the meat market, mutton is being sold at Tk 800, boneless beef at Tk 800, broiler chicken at Tk 115 per kg, alinstan chicken at Tk 200 and layer chicken at Tk 180. Broiler chicken eggs are being sold at Tk 90 to 95 per dozen.
Meanwhile, in the fish market, rui sells per kg 200 taka, tilapia 120 taka, katal 240 taka, shrimp 450 taka, rupachanda 550 taka, pabda 400 taka, coral 550 taka, laitya 100 taka, kai 250 taka, bata 220 taka, shing 500 taka and pangas 100 taka.
Meanwhile, imported Indian and Pakistani onions are being sold at Tk 40-50, onions from Egypt, Turkey and China at Tk 30-35 and bottled soybean oil at Tk 105-120.