Varsities sans lab facilities

Academic activities being hampered

M M Jasim :
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU) needs at least three laboratories to do research and to run its academic activities smoothly. But unexpectedly, there is no laboratory in the department.
Similarly, the Urban Regional Planning Department of Pabna Science and Technology University (PSTU) is also facing the same problem. The academic activities are being hampered as there is no laboratory in the department, although at least three laboratories are needed to perform its academic activities properly. A total of 200 students are studying in this university.
These are the two examples of the country’s science and technology universities’ scenario. Actually, almost every department of all the science and technology universities is running lacking laboratory facilities, according to teachers and students of these universities.
Asked, the teachers of these science and technology universities said, it is impossible to build skilled scientists without sufficient laboratory facilities. Well-to-do research is also hampered due to the insufficient laboratory facilities.
Chairman of Urban Regional Planning Department of PSTU Md Ashrafuzzaman Pramanik said, most of the science and technology universities are running with insufficient laboratory facilities. “It is not possible to teach the students properly without laboratories. And the students also could not be benefited. Ultimately, the teaching and the learning are being hampered,” he said.
“High standard laboratory is a must to build skilled manpower in the science and technology sector. But we cannot provide the students even primary laboratory facilities. It is unexpected for the sector,” Ashrafuzzaman said.
Professor Md Kaykobad of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Bangladesh  
University of Engineering and Technology said, the goal of the science and technology universities is to build a group of expert to lead the sector worldwide. But the motto is being hampered due to lack of good teachers and laboratories.
He also suggested for ensuring teachers and laboratory facilities before opening any university or department.  
Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU) sources said, the university was established in 2001. Now the university has two institutes and 24 departments with more than 6000 students. The laboratory facilities are mandatory for at least 18 departments. Only Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering Department, Applied Chemist and Chemical Engineering Department, Microbiology Department, Fisheries and Marine Science Department and Pharmacy Department have the standard laboratories.
Applied Mathematics Department, Environmental Science and Disaster Management Department, Bio-Technology and Genetic Engineering Department have laboratory facilities, but insufficient.
The rest of the 10 departments out of the 18 have no laboratory facilities.
Dean of Engineering and Technology Institute of NSTU Professor Md Humayun Kabir said, there are four departments of his institute. At least three departments should have laboratory facilities. But no standard laboratory was established in his institute. As a result, they are unable to do research, he said.
A student of Environmental Science and Disaster Management Department wishing anonymity told The New Nation that there is only a laboratory in his department. But the maximum instrument is unusable.
Pro-Vice-Chancellor of NSTU Professor Md Abul Hossain admitted that there are laboratory crisis in the university. But the university authorities are trying to establish sufficient laboratories. “The crisis will not be longer,” he said.
Shahjalal Science and Technology University in Sylhet is the oldest science and technology-based higher educational institution in the country. The Food Engineering and Tea-Technology Department is also suffering from laboratory crisis.
The outgoing Professor of Mozzammel Hoque of the department said, the students are deprived of practical learning due to laboratory crisis.
Chairman of University Grants Commission (UGC) Professor Abdul Mannan told this correspondent, “We usually discourage to open any department without sufficient laboratory and its instrument. We know about the present situation of the country’s science and technology universities. We will discuss it in the UGC’s meeting to resolve the crisis.”