US trade show begins in city

BSS, Dhaka :
A three-day US Trade Show started in city Monday. American Chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh (AmCham) and US Embassy in Dhaka organized the trade show at Hotel Sonargaon.
Inaugurating the trade show as the chief guest, Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed said export of Bangladeshi RMG products to US market would boost if the country provides duty- free and quota- free access to Bangladesh (an LDC) in line with the WTO decision.
Mentioning the US market as the largest one in terms of single country, the commerce minister said Bangladesh is demanding duty- free and quota- free access to United States for long. But, the country yet to provide the facilities, although Bangladesh has signed TICFA with US for expansion of business cooperation, he added.
Tofail Ahmed said the government is working to expand the export basket as well as export market in line with the Sixth Five Year Plan.
The minister informed that many countries have already showed their interest in Bangladeshi products.
A total of 43 US firms are showcasing their products at 78 stalls. The show will remain open from 10am to 8pm till Wednesday. Entry fee is Taka 20, but students would get chance to enter by showing their ID cards free of cost.