Upgrade check for pure drinking water

A RECENT government study found tap water – which is packaged in jars and barely filtered – puts millions in the capital to health danger. As per news media, the study has found coliform bacteria in 97 percent of so-called filtered water supplied in so-called sealed jars to households, shops, and offices in and around Dhaka. But no visible action has been taken so far by the authorities concerned to stop the cheating. BSTI, police or health supervisors of the two city corporations are keeping away from disciplining the dishonest businessmen for their nexus behind the profiteering business. Local political clouts in respective area force hotel, shop and flat owners to buy water from them as other producers are often barred to enter their area. That denies people to buy water checking its quality. Such illegal practice should not be allowed in drinking water supply system that put millions life in danger. For the sake of citizens’ health safety, the government should collectively conduct drives against illegal trade of impure water in the name of pure drinking water.

As per the study, the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institute (BSTI) has given registration so far to 250 plants for producing jar-water but more than thousand of plants just bottle tap-water and supply to unsuspecting consumers in the city. The retailers are forced to buy jar-water from the plants run by local politicians or their men in order to run their business without any hassle. Even, who have registered water plants have to beg for backing from the political leaders to stay in the business. Those who run food shops in the capital say they want to buy good quality drinking water to maintain goodwill but cannot do it all the times fearing trouble by local hoodlums. Those who have plants but no political identity or backing won’t be able to continue in the business.

Experts said that the presence of pathogens from dejection of humans and animals in this water drunk by residents means the existence of disease-causing organisms is highly likely. The Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority itself encourages people to boil tap water before drinking because of pathogens enter into the water through several cracks in the supply pipe. In our view BSTI, city corporations and concerned Health Ministry officials should coordinate work to provide pure drinking water to consumers as getting pure drinking water is a basic right of the citizens.
