Unauthorized fees at RU residential halls

RU correspondent :
Authorities of residential halls of Rajshahi University (RU) are allegedly charging unauthorized fees from the students without permission of the university administration. Students pay fees during admission at department, hall and also pay fees in favour of the treasurer office account. Moreover, TK 600-900 has to be paid as fees during seat allotment in every dormitory of the campus. All those fees are unauthorized, sources said.
 Students alleged, the dormitory authority forced to pay additional money hanging notice from student during receiving registration card from hall. Different hall authorities collect different amounts of fees according to their provost suit. They are taking money in the name of development, miscellaneous, WIFI, library, martyr memorials, union, certificate, dish antenna and goods fee.
Sources said, Nowab Abdul Latif hall authority is taking Tk 580 during the collection of registration card from hall, while Shah Makhdum is taking Tk 570, Sher-e-Bangla hall is taking Tk 620, Shaheed Habibur Rahman hall is Tk 890. Tk 520 is being taken at Shaheed Ziaur Rahman, Sayed Amir Ali hall, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman hall, Matihar hall, Shaheed Shamsuzzoha hall, Sohorawardi, Madar Box. Munnujan hall, Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa hall, Begum Khaleda Zia Hall, Begum Rokeya and Rahmatunnesa hall are collecting Tk 400 every year while Taposhi Rabeya hall Tk 420.
Prince Mahbub, a first year student of Philosophy said, the authority collect huge amount money from us during enrolment at the university and on collection registration card from hall. As we are new in the campus so we don’t know the real fact. Hence paying money, we have nothing to do.
In this connection, Deputy Director Hasin Ahmed Khan said, “We have no document for collecting these fees, hall authority knows well concerned the matter.
RU former Hall provost council convenor Prof Dr Rubaiyat Yeasmeen said ” We have to rise founds for hall development from students fee and our previous hall provost also collected money in such way.”
In a reply to a quarry, she said, “yes, at this moment I have no document in my collection and if she get more time, she would submit the university order copy how to raise funds on the hall.”
However, she failed to show any document copy how fees will be taken from first year students of the campus.
In condition of anonymity, a former pro vice chancellor of the university claimed that “without approbation of syndicate and finance committee, collection money from first year is illegal and it is offends of hall authority.”
Another former vice chancellor of the university also said, finance committee and syndicate did not approve to take any money for registration card of the students.
Director of audit cell of the university Niyamul Hauqe denied the offense and said generally education ministry authority audit the matter. He blaming the education ministry said, “As they come to the campus after two or three years for audit and it is their responsibility. If any allegation comes to us from the student, we investigate the matter,” he added.
No comment of RU vice chancellor Prof Dr M Abdus Sobhan could not be taken as he did not receive his phone.