Unabated power supply during Ramzan pledged


Staff Reporter :The State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid on Tuesday said, there will be adequate electricity in the city during Ramzan and, therefore, none should worry.The minister in a press briefing in the afternoon at Bidyut Bhaban said, “We are happy as we have enough electricity.”Earlier, the minister in a meeting with the leaders of the Dokan Malik Samity of the city discussed the power situation. The samity argued for adequate power supply during the Ramzan.Responding to their demand, the minister ensured them of adequate supply with request to avoid any kind of misuse.Prime Minister’s Energy Adviser Dr Tawfiq-e- Elahi Chowdhury and other officials of the power ministry were also present at that time. On the other hand, experts have apprehended power shortage in the Ramzan due to increasing demand and poor distribution lines.At present, the country’s electricity demand is around 7500 MW which will increase 8,500MW during peak hours in Ramzan, official said. The capacity in power transmission and distribution, however, has not increased in line with the demand, they said. There will be power cuts whenever the demand for electricity exceeds the transmission and distribution capacity which is now about 7,500MW, the officials said. When asked, a Power Development Board official, ‘This year there will be no load shedding because we are ready to generate electricity in line with the demand.’Besides, the power division may request the authorities concerned to increase gas supply to the power stations if necessary, he said. Energy division secretary Md Abu Bakar Siddique said that Petrobangla was now supplying about 1,000 million cubic feet of natural gas to the power stations which would be increased further if the power division demands.
