UN recognition to first BD student


Campus Report :
Arnab Chakraborty, a student of an English medium school of Dhaka has achieved first ever recognition by the UN for his excellent performance in a competition on ‘innovative educational program’ arranged by the UN-USA.
The program arranged under ‘Global Classroom International Model UN’ is an innovative educational program that engages middle school and high school students in an exploration of current world issues through interactive simulations and curricular materials. Global Classrooms cultivates literacy, life skills and the attitudes necessary for active citizenship.
In the program, Arnab Chakraborty, a student of class ten of European International School in Dhaka actively participated in competitions on different international issues including helping the suffering populace in Africa alongside donating to their “Girl-Up” program in giving unfortunate girls a better future.
Later, he shared his ideas with different esteemed officers of the program and finally the Bangladeshi scholar represented “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” at the General Assembly that concerned with human rights and finally his resolution paper was accepted by the authority.
“I am really excited of being recognized by the UN for my successful submission of resolution on the topic,” Arnab said at the meet the press program after returning from the United Nations.
“I was petty nervous on public speaking but when I thought that I am the first Bangladeshi so it won’t suit me to be like this. I confidently went up the podium and delivered a speech on which most people showed approval.”
Arnab also said students should not be centered only on their study and home work. They should have more interest on extra curriculum activities so that they can know the world and can do some thing for the needy and victims of unethical activities across the globe.
Arnab’s father SK Chakraborty said, “We are proud of our son’s achievement and hope that all other students of the country would come forward to take part in such competitions and would help country’s name shine in the globe.”
