Uber, BRTA celebrate Nat’l Road Safety Day


Uber has partnered with the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) in celebrating the National Road Safety Day 2021.
The 5th edition of the National Road Safety Day was held on Friday.
Echoing the theme ‘Gotishima Mene Choli, Shorok Durghotona Rodh Kori’, Uber reiterated the importance of road safety among riders and drivers on its platform.
During this week, Uber said, it will help spread awareness about the cause among riders by placing placards with road safety messages in cars as well as sending in-app notifications to remind them of road safety protocols.
Uber has set up special branding at its driver centers and sent in-app messages to drivers on its platform urging them to take a pledge to help make the roads safer.
Commenting on the partnership, Armanur Rahman, Head of Bangladesh & East India, Uber, said, “We are pleased to partner with BRTA to support the National Road Safety Day. As a leading player in the transport sector, road safety is very important to Uber. We invested in technology-enabled and human solutions to ensure the safety of riders and drivers on the Uber platform, as well as other road users.”
He said they are confident that this initiative will not only help reduce road accidents but also encourage Bangladesh citizens to comply with road safety regulations and respect traffic signs to stay safe.
“We wish BRTA continued success in and hope more people come together to support this important cause.” BRTA organized various programs to raise awareness around road safety including distributing stickers and leaflets.
It also organized a conference to discuss road safety initiatives, said a media release on Friday.
Sharing his views on the partnership, Nur Mohammad Mazumder, Chairman of BRTA, said the National Road Safety Day began to spread awareness and make our roads safer.
He said this is an ongoing journey and everyone in the ecosystem has an important role to play for long-term success including all stakeholders, private organizations, the transport sector, and the government.
“We appreciate Uber’s efforts to step forward and offer support to the initiative and are confident that it will continue to promote road safety among the drivers on its platform.”
Commenting on the partnership, Sk. Md. Mahbub-E-Rabbani, BRTA Director- Road Safety, said alongside the many advances made in the road transport sector, road accidents have become a concern, which is not desirable.
“We have taken several steps in the right direction with more organizations and individuals committing to the cause of road safety each year.”
